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Media Solutions

We live in a digital-first world. More often than not, your customers will first interact with your brand online. The digital universe is an ever-evolving universe with new ideas and trends being introduced every day.

In such a scenario, it is essential that your brand has an engaging, consistent yet responsive presence online. We have developed a full suite of digital marketing services to help your brand stand out.

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Social Media
Marketing (SMM)

Our approach to SMM is to build conversations for your brand that your customers would love to engage with. As a social media agency, we go beyond the instant likes syndrome to create communication that will outlast your competitors.

Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the science of increasing your brand’s visibility. Good ol’ Google is the first touch point where potential customers discover your brand. It receives over 6 million searches per minute. Our SEO experts work towards making your brand ‘the one’ in six million.


At Investronaut, we believe it’s not great until it is measured. Pay Per Click (PPC) and Google Adwords are vital parts of any marketing plan. We have a very frugal and conscientious approach to maximise the bang for your marketing bucks.


Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science have become the new buzzwords in marketing, and rightly so. In an era where competition is getting stiffer by the minute, our data analytics can give you that definitive edge.


Influencers are the new brand ambassadors. In the sea of social media influencers, we can help you pick the right ones and work with them to create interesting content for your brand.


What is the first thing you do every morning? For most people, checking one’s email and messages has become a part of the morning routine. Our email marketing campaigns slide your brand into people’s consideration gently without intrusion.

Online Reputation
Management (ORM)

In this always-connected world, it doesn’t take long for a whisper to become a scream and undo all the good that your brand stands for. We use our ORM tools to monitor the conversations around your brand and help protect your brand’s image.

Propel your brand’s digital growth story.

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Focusing on data-driven insights and other techniques, we tailor our service to your goals and objectives, ensuring maximum online visibility and engagement for your brand.

We understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape That’s why we constantly monitor trends, analyse data, and optimise our strategies to ensure your brand goes so is competitive and successful online.

You x Coffee

We love problems and coffee. So if your brand has a problem, we can discuss it over a cup of coffee. Do come over!